We will be live streaming this one and will be making sure that we take all COVID-19 precautions to keep our environment as safe and sanitary as possible!
This is open to ALL young people between the ages of 14-21 years old.
❄️ When: Thurs, Dec 16th OR Fri, Dec 17th in the evening (we will confirm the date and time soon!)
❄️ Deadline for apps: Mon, Nov 29th
❄️ Live Virtual Auditions: Wed, Nov 24th from 530-730pm via Zoom (more details in our application)
❄️ Requirements: Submit 1 or 2 videos of you performing to your song by filling out our form (highly encouraged to submit 2) or attend our live virtual audition
❄️ You will be notified by Wed, Dec 1st if you will be performing at our 7th annual Winter Magic!
Apply today and please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need any assistance! Spread the word. Let's do this!