Music Biz Daniel Pak Music Biz Daniel Pak

Before You Post On Soundcloud (Copy)


So you've spent hours in the studio recording and mixing your song and you're finally happy with the final mix. You've mastered the track using Landr or some other mastering service and you're ready to release it on SoundCloud for the world to hear.

But before you release your song, we encourage you to read through these blogs we've found that offer some great advice on maximizing your reach. Happy releasing!!!


8 Simple Steps to Maximize your SoundCloud Experience

8 Ways to Actually Get Heard on SoundCloud

11 Tips & Tricks I Used to Make a Following on SoundCloud with 4 CiTieS

The 13 Biggest Mistakes Artists Make on SoundCloud


Got any tips, mistakes, or horror stories about your SoundCloud experience? If so, share them in the comments section!

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